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Energy Supply & Demand
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"Demand for energy is outpacing supply growth at alarming rates.  Although some seasonal declines are normal, prices will continue the overall trend upward."


Energy Supply & Demand

The Era of Cheap Energy is Over:


All major oil fields are aging and in normal decline. Even small percentage declines in large oil basins (Alaska, North Sea, Middle East, etc.) have a significant impact on world supply.

           Click to enlarge graph.
In recent years, the oil and gas exploration activities have been starved for capital and money flowed to “new economy” opportunities. The reduced investment in the sector has not enabled energy companies worldwide to replace production and declining reserves.


     Click to enlarge graph.

Large developing economies will put new demands on energy supply as consumers seek higher standards of living which can only be fueled by energy consumption. Countries like China, India, Mexico and Brazil will rapidly increase their energy demand to fuel continued economic growth.


Natural gas in remote areas is expensive to transport to the U.S. burner tip. The LNG conversion and transport process adds approximately $3.50-5.00 per MCF to the cost of natural gas.

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