Enersect Corporation

“Energy Cost Reduction Solutions” 

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"High energy content manufacturers without a proactive cost containment strategy will see profit margins erode and market share lost to
low-cost foreign competitors."





Can Enersect help us find less expensive sources of power and heat for our energy intensive manufacturing processes?
Without question, one of the main services of Enersect is helping manufacturers acquire long-term strategic sources of low cost energy.
What is Enersect’s long-term outlook for energy prices?
Prices are going up. While we may see some softness in the next few months, industrial fuel prices will ultimately continue upward. This upward trend will be a function of numerous factors, including a) reduced exploration capacity (financial, human and logistical resources) in the oil and gas exploration industry, b) increased demand from large developing economies that have large populations (China, India, Latin America) and c) declining production capacity in large producing areas around the globe (Middle East, North Sea, Alaska, Continental US).

How does Enersect assist clients with their energy needs? Enersect evaluates client needs and then recommends an integrated program of attack. The strategy may include acquisition of long-term gas supplies at fixed rates, it may include hedging, it may include acquisition of undercapitalized and funded energy companies or construction of plants close to stranded and lower cost gas reserves.

Can Enersect assist with financial structure issues?
Enersect can assist companies with implementation, expansion and project finance capital, in many cases at below market rates.

How did Enersect get started?
Since the beginning of 2000, the energy market has changed dramatically for energy companies and the companies that use large amount of energy to manufacture their products. Enersect recognized that the inefficiencies in domestic and international markets presented a challenge and opportunity for power and hydrocarbon fuels such as natural gas, petroleum and fuel oil, etc. Enersect has integrated the knowledgebase of global energy production with energy usage to offer products that address challenges of high energy content production lines and processes.

What are the biggest risks for manufacturers?
The biggest risks are associated with doing nothing. As global competition becomes stiffer, companies that do not develop an energy cost control strategy will lose market share to low cost competitors, many of whom are overseas. Ultimately, companies that delay may find their products priced completely out of the market.

Is there any reason to delay talking to Enersect?
We can’t think of any!

How do I get started?
Contact  Enersect at 281-994-4101or info@enersect.com.



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